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Layout by: Lovely Designs
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Image: Hyung Taekim

r type final 2 is the first game i played this time and it's a sequel to the ps2 game by irem but this time by granzilla, the remnants of the old r type studio who made this and also the disaster report games, though this game sadly isn't on the same level of those and is the rare example of a game that i, sadly, had to fully give up on despite otherwise enjoying it and it hurts to do that because i was really exited to give this a try as my first r-type game, it's got some reall cool body horror environments and a decent soundtrack, there's even a lot of stuff to do with tons of unlockable ships and dlc stages based on older r type levels, but sadly the game is a difficulty brick wall beyond anything i could ever do, even with some cheat unlockable ships i still used every single one of my 99 continues on the third level alone, sadly i never saw any beyond this and i didn't even get passed the boss, so this is one i had to just write off as not being for me at all, it's a shame because i was otherwise enjoying myself but this is just far to inaccessable for me, the game feels unecessarily punishing by not giving you enough continues on the easiest mode while the second easiest mode up does give you more but then refuses to give you any power ups after death, power ups that the game is wholley designed around, it's too much and the game didn't grab me enough for me to really want to do it a dozen more times just to beat that level, it's seemingly a beloved game for those who do like it so i won't call it a bad game at all, i can see that it's great, but it's just not my kind of shmup, i prefer things with more accessability and style and this is much more for players that like pure skill based gameplay and less overtly stylish aesthetics, the kind of person that will 1CC a game and that's just not me, if that is you then you should absolutely play this, for me, i don' think i'll go back to it but i will likely check out r type delta and the original final as both seem much more my speed.

fortnite with fish is how i want to describe the second game i played here: bassmaster fishing 2022 and i think that is how i'll describe it, i was sold on this purely because it was a fishing game with a battle royale mode and yeah it is a fishing game with a battle royale mode, up to 20 players duking it out on a lake to catch the most fish and win the match, though that's not really the experiance i had, both matches seemingly only had 3 people and both of them were way better at this game than me so i kept being put out very early on, it's a much more in depth fishing sim versus anything i'd ever played, like this isn't reel fishing or sega bass fishing, it's much more of a sim, you drive your boat around and do much more realistic fish things and the vibes go along with that, it's a fishing game less for the arcade crowd and more the kind of people who are really into real fishing, even the campaign mode is like that with how in depth it is, playing more like a sports game with a career mode rather than the more adventury modes of the VN campaign of reel fishing road trip, it's a vibe some people will be really into but not me, it's a cute novelty though if you really want to try fish fortnite.

ice cream surfer is the final game i played here and it's a sweet lil cute 'em up that i played on vita based around snacks and vegitables and it's adorable, i played this game via the red art games physical release and i will throw a warning right now that i'm not sure if its just this release but this game is super buggy and this ver is pretty expensive because it was a limited release and it has some really bad sound issues and crashing on certain levels, but beyond this it\s a good game! it has some of the cutest sprites i've ever seen in a shmup and some nice character designs like a sailor moon expy, cute aesthetics will sell me on a game faster than anything else (i mean look at the rest of the site) and here it made up for a lot that i wasn't into with the experiance like the bugs or the fact the otherwise good ost sounds like its playing underwater for seemingly no reason, it's a simple shmup and it's only an hour or so long so i can still reccomend it, especially as a more simpler one for younger players or people new to the genre, it's certainly more friendly than r type final 2 and god is it cute, all the veggies are nicely designed and the backgrounds look so good, just don't expect a ton out of it and unless you're really into vita collecting i'm not sure i'd reccomend spending anywhere near the asking price for the physical copy, i paid 20 euro back in the day and even that felt steep, though as seen below it does have some nice box art.

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